The Number 5

It has been almost one year, exactly, since two of my best friends and I made our way to Dallas, Texas for the Pink Conference at Gateway Church. We went to have a girls’ weekend away, celebrate a best friends birthday and simply step away from the grind and be refreshed. I did not go with big expectations in God, I just wanted to experience a time of refreshing. We got there, and because this preacher’s wife could, we sat in the back of the massive auditorium. I was excited to just be one in the crowd, to get lost in worship and to have my heart filled up with the word of God! When we arrived, there was an envelope on every single seat in the auditorium. I believe there were 4,000 seats total, which meant that 4,000 little white envelopes filled the auditorium. The MC for the day explained to us that their prayer team had taken months to pray over each seat and each woman that would be in attendance. With that in mind, they hand wrote 4,000 cards that they believed God would use to be a timely word in the heart of each woman. I looked at my card and decided to wait until I was in a quiet, private moment to read it. I was excited to read it, but honestly did not have great expectation for what could be penned inside. A break in the session came and all the women left for a short time. I left my card under my seat ensuring it would save my spot and be waiting for me upon my return. When we re-entered the auditorium the place had been swept clean. Every gum wrapper, candy wrapper and little white envelope left behind had been picked up and removed. My heart panicked. All of the sudden this white envelope that I had no high hopes for became as precious to me as a block of gold. I couldn’t believe I left something so precious behind. As we made our way up the stairs and all the way to the back of the auditorium, to where we were sitting, I noticed something small lying on the floor. My white envelope! The ONLY one left behind was sitting perfectly under my seat … just waiting for me. I grabbed it and tucked it in my purse and felt a swell of emotion. I suddenly knew something very special was awaiting me inside that envelope.

After the night session, my friends and I made our way to a restaurant that is pretty close to heaven on earth … accompanied by chips and salsa! No greater way to end our first day than stuffing our faces with God food, Mexican ;-) When I parked the car I asked my friends if they wanted to share their cards. One by one they each opened and read their cards. We laughed and cried with joy and disbelief at how perfect the words were for them and how they exposed and revealed some hidden thoughts and fears within their hearts. God was speaking. Then it was my turn. I slowly opened my card and read the first line, “5 is the number of Grace,” it said. Tears filled my eyes. I knew exactly what heaven was saying. You see, I was three months pregnant at this time and dealing with a lot of private fears of becoming a family of five. For four years, Jacob and I said “Two and through,” it was the Ouellette motto. Now, out of obedience to God, we were pregnant with our 3rd. I was fearful for the demands and journey that awaited me. How could I have another baby? I had sold everything “baby” I owned, moved on in my heart and was looking forward to a new season in life. Now, another baby. I read on and it continued to speak words of promise, hope and life. God was speaking to me. Becoming a family of 5 would not crush me; it would be filled with God’s grace. Becoming a family of 5 did not mean a detour in God’s plan for us or me, but we would be surrounded by God’s grace. 5 was our promise. Today that card is framed in my home. It is smudged by the countless times I have held it in prayer, as I believe God for new promises.

Why do I share this? Because I wonder what word awaits you at Flourish next Friday. I wonder what revelation God wants to gift you in the midst of you just slipping away to be refreshed. I wonder what timely word, that you may not even know you need is being prepared for you as you simply make room for Him to speak. Come open. Come empty. Come ready to be poured into as God speaks words to your soul that will cause your spirit to flourish on this inside.


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